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Medicinal Uses of Cannabis Edibles

One of the characteristics of medicinal cannabis is that it is very versatile, adapting to different conditions, needs, ages and preferences. This is evident in its different presentations such as oils, extracts, creams, lotions, and edibles.

When we talk about cannabis edibles we refer to any food or beverage containing cannabinoids. This includes candies, gummies, brownies, cookies, chocolates, ice cream, drinks and other beverages.

It is popularly believed that these include only those foods that contain THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, since its use became popular among the adult-use community. However, the history of cannabis shows that the use of edibles for therapeutic purposes dates back to medieval times.

If we review history we find a variety of names such as "happy soup", "Bhang", and "Majoon" that refer to the different cannabis edibles that were used by multiple cultures and countries, for religious and medicinal purposes.

Recently, CBD edibles have been integrated into the product line of different businesses and companies as an option or alternative for people who are looking to integrate cannabis into their lifestyle but do not wish to smoke the plant.

People who consume cannabis edibles can enjoy some of the benefits listed below:

Pain relief

Chronic pain is a common symptom and in many cases difficult to treat. The analgesic effects of THC and CBD appear after the consumption of edibles. CBD can help counteract the psychoactive effects of THC while both cannabinoids act on receptors in our body involved in pain perception to improve this symptom.

Help ease anxiety

This is characteristic of CBD edibles with no THC or low doses of THC. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system and receptors in the central nervous system to improve anxiety and associated symptoms.

Improves sleep

One of the most common uses of cannabis edibles is sleep problems. Insomnia affects around 70 million Americans, and given the way edibles work, i.e., with a delayed onset of the effect but once it is established it lasts for hours, it allows users to sleep and rest better for longer.

Overall, edibles are a good option for those seeking a prolonged (not immediate) effect; it is a comfortable and safe alternative for those patients who have not had success by another route of administration, as long as their use is practiced correctly and responsibly.

Edibles are a viable option for integrating small doses of cannabis but do not work for all patients. It is important to consult with the treating physician and evaluate the benefits of integrating a cannabis edible, considering the concentration of cannabinoids and dosage.

If you are interested in the medical cannabis industry in the state of Texas, this is your opportunity! The Regulatory Services Division (RSD) of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is accepting applications for dispensary licenses under the Compassionate Use Program until April 28.

Attend the Pharmacology University seminar on April 22 and learn about all the details of the application process from experts with more than 15 years of experience.

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