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Cannabis Bills in Texas

The green revolution has been carried out by those voices that got tired of waiting and that took the courage to make themselves heard after years of expectation, and the state of Texas is a clear example.

Since 2015 when the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) was established and approved, hope was sown among the citizens of the state, however, the restrictions that have been debated year after year do not seem to have changed, and are affecting a large number of people.

What are the main conflicts of the TCUP?

  • THC Restriction: Products permitted for medicinal cannabis use may not exceed a concentration of 1% THC

  • A limited list of illnesses: Among the not included conditions are: anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and glaucoma

  • Absence of an effective program to obtain distribution licenses

For these reasons, many bills have emerged in the state that seek to expand the opportunities and improve the limitations that reduce the maximum and adequate benefit of the therapeutic properties of the plant.

1 - Increased THC content for medicinal use - Texas HB 1805

This time the author involved was Rep. Stephanie Klick, a nurse, and author of many bills that have been passed to improve Texas' Compassionate Use program. Specifically, HB 1805, postulates expanding the Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) by adding chronic pain to the list of conditions and increasing the THC content from 1% to 5%.

2 - Possession of cannabis and adult use

The Texas law HB 1937 was recently introduced by state legislator Jessica González, which seeks to legalize the possession of cannabis for people over 21 years of age. Under the measure, adults over the age of 21 may possess and transport up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and up to 15 grams of concentrate. This eliminates the risk of arrest or jail time which often harms patients or family members/caregivers.

Similarly, Senator Sarah Eckhardt introduced SB 209, which proposes a comprehensive adult-use program.

3 - Expand access to patients - Tim Timmons Compassionate Care Act

Pharmacology University (CHNC) has drafted the Tim Timmons Compassionate Act in hopes of creating new legislation that would improve current medical cannabis laws. Its main objectives are access to patients who need medical cannabis to treat their symptoms, an equal opportunity market for those who want to participate in this industry, and a licensing process that guarantees diversity and establishes additional applications that allow the cultivation, manufacturing, research and dispensing of medical cannabis.

It is evident that each legislator has a purpose and objective that drives the different bills that seek to be presented in future legislative sessions. However, in general, all the projects offer alternatives that benefit citizens, especially patients who need and benefit from the palliative powers of medical cannabis.

Be part of the change! Get started in the medical cannabis industry in the state of Texas at the hands of experts with more than 15 years of experience. Attend the Pharmacology University seminar on April 22 and learn all the ins and outs of the TCUP dispensary license application process.

Let us guide you in the industry of the future. See details on limited virtual and in-person tickets at:


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