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In order for a drug to adequately fulfill its function, various studies and quality controls precede it.

The cannabis plant has an innumerable number of strains, varieties and; more than 400 chemical compounds with different properties, of which very few has been characterized. Its various uses, where therapeutic use is predominant, date back more than 6,000 years. Today there is irrefutable scientific evidence of the efficiency of cannabis and a wide variety of its components on multiple pathologies. Unfortunately, thanks to its illegality, research work has been somewhat hampered.

In different locations, patients often resort to their only option, the black market, to acquire medicament or raw material. Without adequate control, the final product, despite providing some effectiveness, can generally be contaminated by substances to which it may have been exposed during its handling, cultivation, transport or processing. In addition, the patient cannot guarantee the variety he is acquiring or the true composition of the product.

Products made without proper control cannot guarantee the true percentage of their components and therefore, despite having a certain degree of efficacy in treating a disease, it is not possible to achieve the optimum results. For example, cannabis oil that is not pure in composition will undoubtedly have some degree of effectiveness, however without quality control, patient safety is compromised.

The use of medical cannabis tends to be personalized in terms of dosage and specific malady targeted. In places where cannabis is legal, research and clinical trials, as well as quality control of crops and, products can be carried out more easily. This ensures consumers are well informed about the products they are consuming and permits doctors to know how to administer the drug effectively and appropriately.

The pharmaceutical industries and the state must be responsible for the quality of products to guarantee safety. The drugs usage must have adequate follow-up to verify the anticipated benefits to the patients.

In the United States, the FDA is responsible for the regulation of drugs, biological products, medical equipment, food, cosmetics and blood derivatives. In the case of medical cannabis, this regulatory activity is of vital importance, ensuring a drug is safe while maximizing its effectiveness.

Proper controls in places where cannabis and its derivatives is legal, decreases illegal trade and trafficking of unregulated and possibly contaminated medicines.

When you think of a natural product you assume it is a safe product: however, the use of substances such as a pesticide or other harmful agents on a crop can be highly contaminating and toxic as well as the risk of heavy metals found in contaminated soils and, absorbed by plants and organic tissues. It is for this and other reasons that cannabis crops require proper management. Elements such as bacteria and fungi in the raw material or in the manufacturing process of products are high-risk variables involving the safety of consumers.

Despite having the best intentions, in the manufacture of a product for medical purposes, the manufacturers must ensure product safety and efficacy. This is achieved through quality controls and processing in ideal environments where variables can be controlled


Join our upcoming Cannabis Investment Seminar in Detroit, Michigan on May 30th. Online Remote Training available.

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