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The sky is the limit but has social media imposed a lower ceiling on cannabis?

The popularity and public acceptance of cannabis has grown internationally thanks in part to the some legalization in most U. S. states as well as other countries around the world. So now you want to enter this industry known for the millions of opportunities with great pay plus medical benefits. ─ Why not? ─

But before you post your pot plants on line or advertise your new business there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

First of all, the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, is legal only within certain U. S. states. Cannabis is still classified as a schedule 1 drug by the Controlled Substance Act and its use remains prohibited under federal law. Cannabis occupies a place on the list of highly harmful substances such as heroin and ecstasy. Social media, is guided by these federal prohibitions, determines what is appropriate content and sets policies restricting cannabis activities.

Then you ask: How can I promote my Cannabis business on social media sites? The following criteria are stipulated in the Instagram Use Policy:

However, not all is lost. Publications of educational or medical information or materials informative in nature, can be posted depending on which the social media site you utilize. A strong marketing strategy and proper planning still permits reaping great benefits from social media outlets.

Below are some of the can and can’t do's on social networks regarding cannabis.

1. What information can’t you post?

As we said before, social networks are governed by federal laws; therefore, you should not place photographs or posts that encourage illegal activities prohibited by federal legislation. In turn, your postings can be reported and could be used against you. . In networks such as Facebook or Instagram, the sale of cannabis or providing contact information for sellers is prohibited.

2. What information can you post?

New cannabis companies have emerged opening dispensaries, factories or cultivation centers, manufacturing centers and laboratories, among others. Like any company today, it requires exposure in social networks to reach capacity and in turn capture new its sales opportunity. With that in mind, how can you achieve your goal in social networks without breaking the rules?

a) You can talk about the benefits of cannabis or hemp.

b) You can defend the legalization of cannabis or hemp.

c) You can explain the uses of cannabis or hemp.

d) You can post photos of plants without promoting their use.

3. What information can be banned?

Hashtags: There are many ways for your media account to get reported or even deleted. One of them, is through hashtags. In the case of the cannabis industry, certain hashtags are banned or marked as spam. Among the words that you cannot and should not use are marijuana, weed, hierba or weedstagram. Use of these hashtags may also result in a penalty.

Contact information: In a social media post, regarding cannabis, it is prohibited to place information such as phone numbers, email or addresses of the place where cannabis is sold such as a dispensary or similar.

Paid advertising: Have you paid for advertising that hasn’t produced results or has your ad been deleted thanks to the algorithm of social networks like Instagram.

Because of censorship by social media and the existing federal prohibition against cannabis, very creative new forms of advertising have emerged.

If you want to know more about this and other cannabis topics attend our seminar or visit our website

We invite you to participate in our Cannabis Workshop on November 16 in Chicago. Direct from Oklahoma, Eric Dangler will be talking about the correct use of marketing, dispensary management and good customer service; the basics of successfully operating a dispensary. Call us for more information 312 966 0375.

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